Just starting to joggle – Don’t try a marathon right away
There was an interesting article over at Complete Running about new runners and doing a marathon. It seems that doing a marathon is all the rage. This is evident by the fact that the Chicago Marathon closed out 6 months before it’s actually run. This is 2 months earlier than last year. It’s getting so a joggler can’t get in the race!
The conclusions from the article, if you are going to juggle a marathon and you’ve just become a runner follow these tips.
1. Practice joggling for at least one year before you try a marathon. Not only does your body need to adjust but so do your juggling skills.
2. Listen to the advice of other runners and jogglers. You can learn a lot from other people especially this blog.
3. Read a good running book like Jack Daniels Running Formula and another good book on juggling like The Complete Juggler.
4. Create a training plan. You can find some good ones at Runner’s World.
5. Do some shorter races while joggling. You can get a good sense about what it’s all about.
And for a bonus tip…
6. Write down your progress. Keeping a blog or recording your runs at Coolrunning.com is a great motivator.
I’m traveling so won’t be able to update until Monday.
Joggle on.
I wish I had that advice in 1999 when I signed up for the Toronto Maraton. It was my first road race and I nearly killed myself. The only reason I kept running after that painful experience was because I qualified for Boston and my wife told me I had to run it.
Thanks for the kind words Perry. I appreciate them. Thankfully, I create posts for myself as much as for my readers. If I’m ever boared, my blog is interesting to me. haha