A study in motivation – beyond numbers
About 2 weeks ago my joggling stats for the year showed 63 miles were needed to make 1500 for the year. Originally, 1400 was the goal but being so close motivated me to try for 1500. I've never joggled that…
About 2 weeks ago my joggling stats for the year showed 63 miles were needed to make 1500 for the year. Originally, 1400 was the goal but being so close motivated me to try for 1500. I've never joggled that…
Yup, did 8 miles joggling yesterday which means there's only 26 more miles to go to get the 1500 mile/year goal. Planning to joggle 7 today and finish the rest off this weekend. I hope the weather is good. Oh…
Here's something that might help improve your joggling and running. According to researchers at Hull University, thinking about your muscles while lifting weights actually increases strength. In the study, they were able to show there was more electrical activity in…
Perhaps it's small potatoes for the likes of Dean Karnazes or Sam Thompson but I've got to get 34 joggling miles in before the end of the year to make my 1500 mile goal. I've been slacking a bit the…
Here is a recent study by researchers at Oregon State University that suggests a B-vitamin deficiency can result in lowered athletic performance. B-vitamins like B-6, B-12 and folate are involved in your body's conversion of proteins and sugars into energy.…
Running and joggling has been hard the last few days. Today is Christmas Eve so there are 8 more running days until 2007. This morning was a 6.8 mile joggle to the lake following this path... To the Lake and…
I just looked at the spreadsheet in which I keep all my running, juggling and joggling stats and goals. You do write down all your runs right? To date, I have run 1437 miles which beats my goal of 1400…
It's a little game played in the blogsphere where you tag another blogger. Well, arcaner just tagged this joggler, so here goes. According to the 'tag' I'm supposed to do the following. 1. Find the nearest book. 2. Name the…
Some juggling inspiration for you today. It's 7 minutes long but there is something hypnotic and inspiring about it.
Since their website is unbearably slow to load, I'll quote a recent Runner's World tip that I saw. Wait for about two hours after a meal before running. You can probably run 90 minutes after a light, high-carb meal, while…