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What lower leg pain do you have?

Today’s joggle sore running legswas 6.5 miles on the treadmill in 51 minutes. It was a sprint workout: 4×800 in 2:30 and 1×800 in 5:00 in between. All of it was done joggling. I’m not sure I ever joggled on a treadmill going 11 miles/hour.

But now, my right lower leg is hurting. I was looking around the excellent Cool Running site and they had this article about lower leg pains. So, here’s the list. Which one of them do you have?

Common lower leg pains for juggling runners

The article lists 4 common pains in the lower leg.

1. Anterior shin splints: Pain in the front leg caused by weak shin muscles. This isn’t my problem.

2. Posterior shin splints: Pain on the inner side of leg caused by a strained muscle. Usually effects people with flat feet. Not my problem either.

3. Mid Calf pain: Pain in the middle of your calf caused by unequal use of soleus muscle. Could be my problem but I’m not sure.

4. Achilles Tendinitis: Pain in the lower calf caused by a pulled tendon. Perhaps your calf muscle is too short. This could be my problem. They say take aspirin and soak you leg in hot water. Then they say stop running for a few days. What!!? I’m on a joggling streak, I can’t stop running. Today, was day 60.

Guess I’ll just try to take some aspirin and ice up after my runs. That is the problem with speed work. You can get injured much more easily. I’ve actually had this achilles tendinitis and other leg soreness in the past.

If you are experiencing any kind of pain in your lower legs, be sure to check out the article. They have a great list of remedies to try.

This Post Has 5 Comments
  1. Dude! Forgot to add you to bloglines so I’ve been remiss! LOL. Sorry to hear about your leg injury. When I did fartleks on the treadmill for the first time, I had some tingling in my glutes and a little soreness in my calves, but not much. Hope your legs are cool and the streak is alive!

  2. I can’t believe you can run that fast while juggling. Amazing! There is some information on Kendra Borgmann’s blog about shin splints, See the post and comments titled “Restraint / Conflicting advice on shin splints”. Hope your leg is already feeling better. -cathy

  3. Impressive with the 60+ days now. I bet you are above your pace to run 1800 miles this year. I have been off my pace a little since the marathon, but started putting in some good miles this week and should catch up soon. See ya at the Shuffle

  4. Wes, good to hear from you again. And glad to see Code Geeks Tail is back online.

    Thanks for the info Cathy. The leg is feeling better already. Maybe it was just a bad day.

    Anders, you’ve got some great joggling times yourself. Thanks for the link. You got some credit in today’s post.

    JK, let’s rock this Shamrock Shuffle this week!

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