Chicago marathon morning
4:56 Wake up and look at clock. Not yet.
4:58 Decide to stay in bed until 5:15. It’s a palindrome
5:07 Not yet
5:15 Get out of bed. Get clothes.
5:16 Start shower. Water’s cold. Start water for tea
5:21 Take shower. First time before a marathon. Wonder if it’s bad
5:30 Out of shower. Brush teeth, deodorant, body glide, put on clothes
5:35 Make tea. Wonder, Will this make me pee?
5:36 Read Chicago Athlete magazine. Any last minute marathon tips?
5:45 Put on race number. Where are those pins?
5:46 Check weather. 36F with a light rain. Looks windy
5:50 Check email. 3 new messages
5:52 Start writing
5:59 Still writing, drinking tea.
6:00 Make toast. 2 pieces.
6:02 Put chip on shoe. Worry because last race it fell off.
6:04 Toast pops. Eat without butter. Magazine article says butter makes you poop.
6:05 Speaking of that…
6:08 Out of bathroom. Magazine article says get there 2 hours early. Seems excessive 6:09 Check fantasy football lineups. Might be able to win today.
6:12 Eat dry toast. Drink tea.
6:13 Get second cup of tea. Caffiene is good. Hope it doesn’t make me pee.
6:15 Put on iPod. Tag bag for gear check
6:18 Check everything in bag
6:19 Take a leak
6:20 Kiss wife goodbye. She’s cute
6:21 Publish blog entry
6:22 Leave for the marathon…
Great job today!!! Excellent pace!
I hope it went well! I’ve run in marathons and I juggle, but never thought about doing them together ’til now! 🙂
Congratulations on the marathon!! Sorry I wasn’t there to cheer you on this morning. My bed was too warm and soft, and I am weak. Gus was there, but he said he didn’t see you, which was surprising because you’d think you’d really notice someone who was joggling. Maybe you were going so fast you were just a blur! I can’t wait to read about your experience. I hope you enjoyed it, even though it was so cold. brrrr!
Dude, you ROCK! I saw you joggling by at the 10 mile mark. Amazing!!
Great job today! My son and I looked for you at Addison and LSD, but we were disappointed we didn’t spot you in the mass of runners going by.
My favorite part of your morning diary was the fact that you chose to get up at 5:15 because it’s a palindrome! Is that why you’re targeting 44 marathons?
p.s. I’m listening to your post-race wrap-up with Nick D. right now!
Lazer, sorry you missed me but thanks for coming out and supporting us runners. And yes, I love palindromes. In 2002, I was obsessed. I came up with the following…”Poop time I emit poop”
Wendy, not quite a blur but I was moving pretty good at least early on in the marathon. If it was a 20 mile run, I would’ve kicked butt!