Does Joggling Make You a Goofy Juggler?
I was working on a different project when I stumbled on this book on Google called “How To Be a Goofy Juggler“. It was written by Bruce Fife in 1990 and is 120 pages long.
I haven’t read the book but there was one page dedicated to joggling. In it, Albert Lucas is mentioned and so are the IJA annual races.
He ends the chapter with this quote…
“If you really want to be a goofy juggler, put on a cowboy hat, a pair of dress shoes, jogging shorts, and a necktie and go out on the street joggling.”
I guess if you did it that way you would be a goofy juggler. We don’t advocate this kind of behavior. Wearing dress shoes while joggling will just give you blisters. Better would be to wear the cowboy hat and do like the Barefoot Joggler, no shoes.
That’s a good little book, I have it. Enjoyed perusing the barefoot joggler’s blog also.
I can’t imagine wearing dress shoes while joggling. That has got to hurt. I think I’ll skip the cowboy hat, too.