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How to stop a running and juggling streak

snow jugglingIn the last couple of days, life has conspired to thwart the joggling streak.

First, the weather in Chicago has been brutal for running. This morning it was -2F (-19C). Throw in that made-up wind chill factor and it was -8F (-22C). Brrrr. And the days before have been just as bad.

Second, my usual work schedule has been disrupted. I’m participating in some off-site work meetings so I haven’t been able to use the work fitness center. The life of a chemist juggler is so glamorous.

Third, my legs are tired! I’ve never run 25 days in a row before and the legs are rebelling. On some days I’m having a hard time joggling a sub-8 minute mile.

However, a streak can provide its own motivation. There is something that burns inside you when you’re on a streak. You think about the streak. You anticipate problems. And you naturally figure out a plan for keeping it alive.

For example, this morning I skipped out on my usual 5:00 am blogging activities and went for a 4-mile joggle instead. Yesterday, despite getting home from work late (9:00 pm), I went for another 4-mile joggle.

That brings the juggling streak numbers to the following

Days – 25, Miles – 138

Tomorrow, I get back on the treadmill for some speedwork. Just maybe I can get a good time in the Tampa Bay marathon next weekend.

This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. I’ve got to admit I’m impressed. I don’t even like walking from my house to my car right now.

    Ran 2.5 miles on Tredmill this AM.


  2. “I’m having a hard time joggling a sub-8 minute mile”

    Oh, lordy! If you are doing sub-8 minute miles in this temperature, you are a joggling god! So Tampa is upon us? Cool! I’m looking forward to hearing about your race.

  3. Your dedication always impresses me. There are few people that would run in this weather – and even fewer that would joggle!

  4. Joggling god? Maybe more of a joggling fool. But I do feel good that I can get the motivation to go out in weather like this.

    Great job Brian!! You’ll be doing 10Ks in no time.

    Shannon, thanks. You always know how to make me smile.

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