Joggling for Jugs 5K Race Report
Today’s race report was submitted by Jason Tan a juggler, joggler, and web developer in Nashville, TN.
Last month, I joggled a 5k in Nashville, TN along with six other jogglers and some non-joggling friends. We were running the Komen Race for the Cure, which raises money for breast cancer awareness and research. My friend Jacob organized our team called, “Juggling for Jugs”. He joggled this race last year, but none of the rest of us had ever joggled before.
I have never run any race before, and was both excited and nervous. Not being much of a runner, my goal was to be able to joggle the race without having to walk. Up until the day of the race, I had only run 2-2.5 miles straight. People told me I would have extra adrenaline on race day, but I wasn’t sure if it would be enough for an extra half mile. Regarding the joggling, I had been closely following and reading Perry’s Just Your Average Joggler blog. His Joggling Etiquette Articles were very helpful to know what to expect on race day. Our team met at the Vanderbilt track to practice joggling
the week before the race.
We lined up towards the back of the runners. I didn’t realize how big this race was going to be! There were over 10,000 participants, and it took us a little while to get to the starting line. Once we got to the starting line, there were still a lot of “runners” starting the race out walking. It was quite a challenge navigating through the crowds, and I dropped quite a few times, not able to find my rhythm. But once things cleared out, I was able to relax and find my pace.
The combination of a new course (I had been mostly running the same course in my neighborhood the month before), the crowd of other runners, and being able to focus on juggling made the race go by very quickly. I reached the first water station at the mile mark, and couldn’t believe I had already gone a mile! There were lots of “I can’t believe this guy is passing me while juggling!” comments along
the way. Around the second mile marker, I caught up with a friend I recognized earlier from college. I had some conversations with other runners, but realized that it caused me to drop, so I eventually kept the talking to a minimum as I neared the end of the race.
There was an uphill stretch that I wasn’t expecting about half a mile from the end. Luckily, I had enough energy left and made it over the hill. Some friends of mine that came to watch the race were waiting a few blocks before the finish. I smiled (I couldn’t risk a wave!), and then raced for the finish line. I attempted to throw one ball high over the finish line and catch it, but I ended up dropping as I
crossed! I don’t remember my exact time… I think it was around 34 minutes. I was just excited to have finished the race without any walking.
Having completed my first joggling race (and first race in general), I’m looking forward to more joggling! Next time, I hope to focus more on not dropping and my overall speed. Reading race accounts of marathon joggling has been both inspiring and intimidating. I hope that my beginner’s account of joggling a 5k will encourage any brand new jogglers out there.
I started a joggling Flickr group, where you can see some pictures from our race and other jogglers on Flickr. If you use Flickr, please join the group and add photos!
Jason Tan runs the Nashville Juggling website.
Thanks Jason! A great race report. If any other jogglers out there want to submit their own race reports, just leave a comment below.
Cool! That sounded like a fun race. Welcome to joggling. I will be joggling Komen Race for the Cure also, but I think it is in January here in South Florida