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64-Year Old Colin Francome to Joggle Half Marathon

Need more proof that joggling is the “sport of the future”?  The other day we told you about Michal joggling a marathon in BC, Albert joggling and half marathon in Missouri, and Barry joining me here to joggle the Chicago marathon.

Well, 64-year-old Colin Francome is yet another joggler who is doing a long distance race this weekend.  According to this joggling news report, Francome will be attempting to be the first >60 to juggle a half marathon.  Look for him in the Swindon Half Marathon.  He’ll be juggling clubs and dressed in a clown costume.

Now some would criticize the clown outfit as many jugglers shun such an association.  And others will criticize the fact that he’s juggling the event at all.  These are the running snobs of the world who scoff at jogglers.

But I say, good for you Colin!  Get out there and tear that course up.  No matter what others say, the crowds who come out to watch these events love stunt runners like jogglers.  The world needs more.

We’ve got an email in to Colin and hope to interview him after the event.

This Post Has 4 Comments
  1. It’s good to see a UK joggler – even with a silly hat:).
    Has anyone else tried joggling clubs or rings – I thought about hats after watching the chinese state circus – juggling and swapping them on you head – it would be really cool but very difficult.

  2. There are a few club jogglers out there. I’ve never actually seen one in a race. I’ve done a few training runs with clubs but it takes more focus than bean bag joggling.

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