Who wants to juggle and streak?
This article over at the Complete Running Network about people who have kept running streaks alive is inspiring. The longest active running streak is 14,011 days according to the US Running Streak Association. Wow! Currently, my joggling streak stands at 4 days. This is the longest active joggling streak of which I’m aware. If any other jogglers have a streak let me know.
Looking back over my records (I’ve kept a spreadsheet of all my workouts since Jan 2003) my longest streak is 14 days from April 28, 2005 – May 11, 2005. Last year my longest was 10 days.
Official Joggling Streak
But this year, I’m going to go for it, the longest joggling streak ever. First step is to qualify for inclusion in the USRSA. This requires that you have a running streak of at least a year. And a running streak is defined as running at least 1 mile under your own power every calendar day.
Right here on JYAJ, we are going to start a new joggling branch of the USRSA. Same rules apply except you have to joggle at least 1 mile everyday. Alright, who’s with me?
Incidentally, to track the streak I’m keeping a log on Coolrunning.com. Click this link to see a summary of all my joggling workouts.
Very cool. Good luck!
When I read the title of “who wants to Juggle and Streak” had me thinking about something else all together. But I suspect that was the idea
Whatever could you mean Brian? 🙂
Ah, the power of the headline.
Heh good luck. I’d have enough trouble with the running let alone adding juggling.
Thanks Dawn. 9 days in and I’m still going!
[…] Considering that I’m going to continue my running streak (up to 15 days already!) I wondered what other runners had to say about donating blood and running. I stumbled across this article from runnersweb and found some interesting info. Looks like I should’ve waited ’til after the Tampa Bay Marathon. Oh well, maybe I saved a life. Here area couple of things every joggler should know about… […]
[…] Despite the fact that Chicago is experiencing an incredible deep freeze (-3F yesterday), the streak is still alive. Yesterday’s 5+ mile joggle marked the 21st day in a row. Michal tells me last year he had a streak of 27 days of joggling so that is my next immediate target. […]
[…] In the last couple of days, life has conspired to thwart the joggling streak. […]
[…] Today marked the 28th day in a row that I’ve joggled. According to Michal, last year he had a streak of 27 days in a row, so that would make 28 days the record. But I’m looking for more than just this record. I’m looking to become the first joggler to enter the US Running Streak Association with the joggling streak. […]
[…] For the last few days (the weekend and this week) I’ve been traveling so bloggling has been a bit difficult. I have kept the joggling streak alive however. That brings the official joggling streak to 44 days in a row. […]
[…] For the past week I’ve been out of town. And as you can imagine, working out while traveling is tough. Time, strange surroundings and spontaneous activities conspire against you to zap motivation and hamper your joggling efforts. But the joggling streak keeps me motivated and I wasn’t going to let a little traveling get in my way. […]
[…] To keep the joggling streak alive (and because I like running so much) I went out for a juggling run despite the heat. Of course, I forgot some of the keys to running in the heat, but the run was enjoyable. […]
[…] When. If you can joggle in the morning or early evening that’s better. Pollution levels are lower at these times. And if it’s really polluted, consider taking a day off. (Unless you’re trying to keep the joggling streak alive.) […]
[…] I run everyday (the running and juggling streak is at 72 days) averaging over 4.75 miles a day. I do tempo runs, fartleks, and yasso sprints. And yet my times […]
[…] was the 100th day in a row of the joggling streak. Everyday since January 15, 2007, I’ve joggled at least 1 mile; a total of 453.55 miles. All […]
[…] the joggling world, but didn’t want you to think this joggler was slowing down. In fact, the joggling streak is intact (120 days) and I’ve been running more than ever. I just happened to be away for […]
[…] Afflicted people will exercise hard everyday.Then it occurred to me. I exercise everyday. Since the juggling running streak started I’ve been putting in a lot of hours. Am I addicted to joggling? […]
[…] painful but that’s just the price you pay to be a world-famous juggling runner or to keep a joggling streak […]
[…] would think that running and juggling everyday would lead to some great health benefits. And it’s true as we’ve previously discussed […]
[…] you joggle everyday you tend to put a lot of miles on your running shoes. In a little less than three months, my […]
[…] is my 283rd day in a row of joggling. The streak is still […]
[…] on the last joggling run before tomorrow’s race. I have to keep the joggling streak alive. Unfortunately, I feel sick. I’ve got a headache, sore throat and a bit of a fever. Not […]
[…] but it still hurts. I was not looking forward to the obligatory 1 mile of joggling to keep the joggling streak […]
[…] I take a little break from running / joggling. Of course, I’m going to keep the joggling streak alive, but instead of 50 miles a week, I’ll go down to 15 – […]
[…] comes to running. There often seems to be little time for running, juggling or joggling. To keep a joggling streak alive, I’ve had to figure out ways to make joggling an integral part of my life. Here are six […]
[…] a streaking joggler, you take many showers. It’s a reality of the sport. You run or joggle, you sweat. You sweat, […]
[…] have to admit that keeping the joggling streak alive by running in such weather actually makes me secretly proud. Mother nature is conspiring to […]
[…] curious as to when other people think their running seasons are over. Years ago, before I became a streaking joggler, my running season would end after the Chicago marathon in October. I occasionally did Turkey […]
[…] the joggling streak calls. It can’t die today. Plus, you’re only 1.5 miles away from your goal of […]
[…] my 2 miles later in the day, it will be the 365th day in a row of joggling. That also means the joggling streak can become officially listed on the United States Running Streak Association website. Whoo hoo! […]
[…] no one said keeping a joggling streak alive would be easy. To do it, you’ve got to dress […]
[…] you want to be a seriously fast joggler, you’ve got to be a seriously fast runner. Since the joggling streak started, I run (with juggling) every day. You don’t need to do that much, but 4 or 5 times a […]
[…] Joggling Streak 443 Days in a row […]
[…] Joggling Streak 444 Days in a row (retired) […]
[…] Joggling Streak 444 Days in a row (retired) […]
[…] Joggling Streak 444 Days in a row (retired) […]
[…] Joggling Streak 444 Days in a row (retired) […]
I have run 3.1 miles for 503 straight days, each time under 20 minutes, and am going strong. I have also done 585 pushups every day for 350 days, 5 sets of 100 with 3 minute break in between, then a slow set of 85 10 seconds afer my 5th set. I do it all in the morning before I do anything else. I am in great shape, and havent paid a penny for a gym membership, although I am on my 3rd pair of shoes, and I dont get to look at all the pretty women at the gym. I do have a beautiful wife, so its all good. Rain or shine, cold or hot, I am out there.
@Al – Now that is impressive!! I can’t yet even do 100 pushups. How do you manage 500?